My last post must have rattled some cages out there as I've finally got comments! Keep them coming please! Although it appears you've missed the point of this blog.
In response, have you read my previous posts? The overall purpose of my blog is to highlight the fact that the Magnificat Meal Movement or Corma Coptic or whatever they're called these days are running all these community events but claiming to be the Helidon Sports & Rec Association, the Tabletop Junior Arts & Crafts Club Inc etc. All I'm asking for is HONESTY.
Why set up numerous community groups? It just looks dodgy and to me it appears to be a way of getting more government grant funding than they're entitled to. If they're real community groups, run by non-MMM affiliated people, then why is nothing ever organised on a Saturday before sundown and why are there no Christmas or Easter celebrations?
Why is the website registered to Clare Birchley, one of the senior members of the MMM?
If there are reasonable explanations for this, I'd like to hear them.