Here are all the details that I've managed to track down of the government grant funding that the associations linked to the MMM have managed to receive. This is taxpayer money, remember, and the grants are supposed to be for legitimate community groups!
Federal funding: It doesn't give the dollar amount but both Helidon Sports & Rec Association and Tabletop Junior Arts and Crafts Club Inc are listed.
Qld State Government: RockStock got $10,000 out of the Q150 fund even though the event was held in 2008. What's the bet they go back for more next year? Extract from 'Q150 6 June Round 2 list' "Tabletop Junior Art and Craft Club Inc, Toowoomba, was allocated $10,000 for the Rockstock festival to promote the unique history of the Helidon Spa Park and the rich natural resources of Helidon sandstone and Helidon water." Document found on
Private sector: The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal ( gave the Helidon Sports & Rec Association $3,775 in March 2008 as listed in their newsletter (Issue 19).
How many more grants are there that we don't know about and where is this money going? Straight into Debra's pockets I reckon.
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