Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hey Hey it's Saturday

No I'm not talking about Daryl Somers and Ossie Ostrich!

If you look at all the events organised through the '' website, you'll notice that no event is EVER scheduled to occur on Saturday during daylight hours. Seriously, go to the website now and you will see what I mean.

Saturday evening/night is fine, so is Sunday. What gives?

Well for the MMM followers, Saturday is the Sabbath. Like the Jews, they're banned from doing any work between sundown Friday and sundown Saturday. They also have a special day of prayer on the first Saturday of each month.

So, is it a coincidence the Rockstock mob don't organise any events on a Saturday?

In my opinion, this PROVES the Rockstock, Tabletop Junior Arts, Helidon Sports & Rec etc are just fake organisations run by the Magnificat Meal Movement.

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