Monday, October 7, 2013

Debra's new revenue stream

With the departure of the two 'Claires', Debra has had to fall back on one of her original money-making schemes.

Many years ago, she was a distributor for HerbaLife and would sell products to her followers and get large commissions. In fact, that's how she got her first Merc!

Now, if you go the MMM website, there is a link to a site called 'Good Health with D'.

The page makes no mention of MMM at all. If you didn't find the site through the MMM site, you'd have no idea that 'D' is Debra Burslem/Geileskey.

The site is full of stories about health issues that coincidentally can be treated by a product available through the website. How convenient!

If you're a big enough sucker, and click on a link to buy some magic herbs etc., you will be taken to one of the sites that she is a distributor of.

The most common are:

Forever Living - where the distributor's name is DEBRAMARIE GEILESKEY

Good Health OZ - where the distributor's name is Debramarie

Max International - where the distributor is D. Geileskey

There are a few others but the link to Debra isn't as obvious as those above.


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